I love watching my kids make new little friends. Yesterday I went with Sarah to the pumpkin patch with her class and got to watch her with her newest best friend Becca. Becca lives in the house right behind ours, and I am thrilled to learn she comes from a christian family. As I was watching them together I got visions of our possible future. They were giggly and silly and at one point they were even trying to leave one little girl out so that they could be alone. This of course provided a chance for me to talk to Sarah about loving everyone, but it was really sad to me that they are already falling into those girl patterns of drama. Kyle said that one day they may have a zip line connecting Becca's backyard to ours, or maybe one of those can phone lines. I'm not sure about that, but I do know that right now they are madly in love with each other and want to spend every waking moment together. Watching them yesterday and over the last few weeks has revived my desire to pray faithfully for my kids.
Pray that they make good choices i
n school friends, that they put Christ first living out His plans for them rather then pushing for their own earthly desires. It's hard to let the grip of my kids go a little bit as they enter into the world of school, but I know God will protect them, that He is in control and that they are not mine to hold tight to.
So sweet! Those pictures are so fun to see. :) Reminds me of when I was a lil girl! And how fun that Sarah has a friend that lives so close to her! :0 ) What a sweetie!
Sooo cute! And what a great reminder to pray for our kids. Thanks! :)
Such sweet pictures of those girls! And how fun that she is your neighbor!
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