Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Band Man for Hire

The season is upon us for searching for that new job. The one that will finally give us some closure from Gladstone, the one that will help us feel more secure, the one that would help me not panic at all when I hear my childcare gig might be ending sooner rather then later and that unemployment is up soon and that our mortgage is going up... and so on. Of course these things all happen at the same time, because isn't that how it goes for everyone. But I have peace, supernatural peace that comes from my heavenly Father. I know He will provide, as he has all year. I wish I could say OK Lord I'm done, and poof it would be over, but that would be a shame because I would be missing out on something He has in store for me. I've learned and I think grown this year. We have relied on Christ and become more unified as a couple. We have truly found joy in our trial, all because of God. I know this is a God thing because I am a worrier. I fret and wonder and think "what if" and "what will we do"? But God has claimed all that from me, thank you Lord. Yet I still found myself rather teary as Kyle headed out Monday morning to turn in his remaining application pieces to Mt. Angel high school. I was praying, please God if this is your will, if this is a good fit, allow this job to happen. But more then that I don't want to fail, I want to stay strong in the Lord, I want to continue to rely on Him to let Him do it and not try and force this trial to be over. I want my husband to stay positive, to not lose hope or think himself less then he is. I can't put into words my amazement with him and how he has endured this, how he has stayed strong for all of us, and really lead my attitude through his own attitude. I'm blessed and I know that this year has brought that understanding even more to the surface, but pray for us. Pray first that we continue to rely on Him and second that if it's God will this trial will close for us soon. Thank you God for these days and for the plan I know you have for us and patience you continually grant us as we wait on You.


Connie said...

I am praying and you have both been amazing through this trial. Hang in there Wendy, I love you!

Acker Family said...

I am still praying for you guys! Love to see how much you've grown through this process too.