1. It never fails that twenty minutes after they eat dinn
er, or really any meal, they are STARVING! So hungary are they that they can not even function, clutching their stomachs, doubled over in what they believe is a sincere near death experience.
2. How can you be starving and think that a fruit roll, or a few chocolate chips, or really anything with no substance is going to do the trick. Why is it the snacks I so cheerfully offer are always met with disgust and that, "I wouldn't eat that if it was the last morsel of food on the earth" attitude?
I know I'm not alone in these frustrations, just chalk it up to the long list of things people don't tell you before having children. One of those little nuggets that grandparents hold back for the pure enjoyment of watching you battle it out. And of course they ALWAYS have the good snacks, making true satisfaction at home just a little harder. I guess I will just have to rejoice in the fact that they are growing, and that I occasionally get some fruit, or truly healthy snack in those little bodies. I have to realize that a kid that can eat chicken nuggets, a hotdog, cheese and crackers and a banana for lunch (todays meal) probably does need a few extra snacks during the day.
Here is one of my s'nacker, eating a lemon - He loved it, weird.
That's how Micah says "nack" too! He doesn't pronounce his "s" either! I love it! But I hear ya, it drives me nuts too always hungry..."I'm STARVING!" Ha! You just ate 5 minutes ago! Glad we are all in the same boat! And the grandparents...that is so true...when I go to my parents house I always tell my mom, "why do you get the good snacks now when we are out of the house?" Probably because we would have ate them way too fast! Ha!
Lily says nack too! Funny kids. And she also enjoys eating lemons. Why are these kiddos so weird?! :)
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