Baseball has always been a dreaded moment in my parenting for me. I REALLY don't like sports, watching them that is. I just get so bored, and to me baseball is horrible because it is outside in the spring. Really people, we live in Oregon, spring time is indoor time. So I have been putting off signing Alex up, saying he really is not that interested. But then how can you get interested in something that you are never encouraged to do, oops on my part. Anyway I was told I had to sign him up for something by my mom or he would be weird. I'm not sure about the weird part, but really he does need to learn all those valuable things like how to play on a team and blah blah blah. (you can see I'm still not that excited) Well he LOVES it. I knew he probably would and of course I think he might actually be good at it. He is a little behind where he could be if we had done t-ball, but he is catching on fast. He had been hitting really well until this last game where he started bending down, thus missing. But he is having a great time, they call him little Alex because he is one of the youngest and his dad got him this snake bat, that all the kids love. Cute. I will have to be a strong mom, it's already been cold for games and windy. I hate the wind. I'm trying to be prepared with blankets and I may need to consider a yummy coffee as part of my baseball experience to help give me some extra motivation. It's great watching him out there, but at this level the games drag a bit. Hopefully by the end of this experience I will be a full fledged team mom that can't get enough of baseball, hmmm.....I laugh even typing that. We'll see.

Getting ready to go to second. He looks so serious about it.

Running hard, I think the helmet weighs more then his head. It might take him down one of these days.

Brr, it was cold. She was happy to have a little buddy there. Sadly though we are not supposed to bring dogs. I didn't know that until we had already brought her.

He loves that he is number 7 because he is 7. Funny what makes them happy.

He looks great here, swings great, just couldn't hit it this week.

Grandpa is giving him a pep talk. It's so fun watching them, my parents, be there and cheer him on.

There is this really pretty bridge and a creek right next to the field we were at this week. These two kids love the games, so much freedom and so many hills to roll down.

I just like this last picture. Maybe I should try twirling around at the games, might add to my fun.

Haha, I hate baseball too. I just know that Ellie is going to be a rabid softball player and I am going to have to suffer through watching all those loooong, boring games. Seriously, so boring. I went to a professional baseball game once (free ticket) and fell asleep on the upper deck in the sun. To me, it was the best way to watch the game - getting a tan with my eyes closed. (we were in Atlanta) Anyway, good luck! At least he is super cute in his gear. I like the picture of him in his uniform with the other boys. He looks so little, yet trying to be big at the same time. :)
How fun! I'm a lil opposite of you, I can't wait for my kids to play sports! ;) BUt it is ok if you don't love it! Hopefully it will grow on you! But I hear you about sititng in the cold and wind...brr...! :) And now that your other two are watching soon you will have all 3 playing! Now that is kinda a crazy thought to me running trying to go to this game and that game! But what memories! I love your pics you take! They just capture the moments and the expressions! it does help that your kids are adorable! :) Someday hoepfully we can come cheer him on when he is in the youth group! :)
Could you be inside my head describing ME, please?!
GREAT pics, though!!!
I am so with you on this one! Baseball is soo boring and long to watch! What a good mom to give him that experience though :) You know he loves it! And it's good picture opportunities too!
I love it! What a great thing for the family to do on a Saturday - and such a blessing with Dave and Donna around, too! Suck it up and enjoy it! :) These are really important experiences for Alex to be having. And I totally support the yummy coffee idea - I'll come to Alex's game if I can have a yummy coffee!
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