My life has been crazy busy, always is this time of year. But yesterday Kyle was gone all day for a concert at work and I decided I was going to take time to enjoy. I was going to enjoy my sleep, enjoy my kids, enjoy my house, enjoy my projects, enjoy all that God has given me. I think that my favorite part of the day came as I put all the kids in their baths. They are all so different in what they like. Alex wanted a bath alone, no toys, with his music. He wanted to "relax". How many 7 year old boys want to relax in the bath. He laid back, closed his eyes and enjoyed the peace of it. Sarah was all about practicing her swimming technique, luckily our bath is just big enough for her to feel like she can do some of that. She also just LOVES feeling how long and flowing her hair is under water. She will lay for several minutes just feeling her hair. Adam wants to be in my shower and clean, clean, clean. He loves a wash cloth so he can wash down all the walls several times. They are funny to me, and precious and when I stop and really look at them they are very easy to enjoy. Now, I need to go find joy in my laundry.
If you figure out how to find the joy in your laundry, please do share. I have two loads staring me down ready to be folded and more ready to be washed. There's just no motivation right now... :)
Fun to see their different personalities! Wonder if it'll stay the same as they get older?
Thanks for all your wonderful compliments and comments on our blog. I'm sure Caley would love some tips from you on photography! We just need to find the time in her busy scedule! We are enjoying keeping up with your family on a regular basis.
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