Halloween was a blast this year. My kids looked amazing, but I know I'm biased. Sarah was Belle, and so beautiful. Adam was Peter Pan - really isn't he a true Peter Pan personality. I thought it was the perfect pick. Alex was Jack Sparrow, black eyes and everything. We started the night off at Emily's for a neighborhood chili feed. The chili was yum, and I really enjoyed my chili dog. We had some great carmel corn and deviled eggs to go along with it. There were several families from our neighborhood and quite a gang of kids in their costumes. It was really fun, and felt very festive. We started trick or treating at 6:00 and I was amazed at the turn out. We had people bussing in to our neighborhood and Cambridge. CRAZY. I handed out 150 or more, pieces of candy. It felt like and small town in days gone by. Large groups running around, houses decorated, tons of families out. It was really fun. Sarah of course, fell on the second house. This was a bummer because it took forever for her to truly recover and start

moving at a pace

that was less like a snail. Adam got tired on about the 6th house so needed carried. At one point I was carrying Adam on my hip and holding Sarah's dress up so that she wouldn't trip. Why she couldn't hold her dress up is a mystery, but it just became "too much!" Alex was well ahead of us with his current crush Sarah. It was funny because Alex was with big Sarah and Adam was with his little tiny Alex and then Sarah went outside the family names by hanging with Becca.

Adam pooped out about half way through and stayed back at our house with Grandma, who was kindly passing out candy. The other two were out for an hour and a half.

I was amazed, I guess the need for sugar will really drive kids to achieve. The saddest part of the night was the lack of their father. Kyle had to work and so missed all the fun. Bummer. I hope everyone had such a great night, enjoy some of our pictures, the top pumpkin pic is what Kyle did with the kids a few nights. Sarah's is the happy one, Alex is the scary one and Adam's is the silly one. If you can't tell Adam's is standing on his head :)
Looks like a LOT of fun! I can't wait to enjoy those times when the kiddos are a lil older! :) Your kids look so cute too! Disney characters too...imagine that! :)
Fun, fun, fun!!
Those are awesome costumes!! I loved Alex's-especially with the eyeliner!
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