So Sarah is officially 6! I can hardly believe it. Her birthday was on March 28th and I enjoyed thinking back to the day I had her. She was a planned c-section and I remember that we had to be to the hospital very early, 6 AM. We got there and I was REALLY nervous. When I had Alex it was an emergency c-section and when I got my epi I was in so much pain I wanted the drugs. Well I was super worried that since I was not in any kind of labor pain, when they gave me my epi to prep me for surgery I would really feel the pain of the needle. Silly fear I guess. Anyway I was shaking pretty hard by the time they took me back for my surgery.
I have precious memories though of my amazing grandpa saying a prayer before they took me back. He was also one of the first to hold her. He passed away a few months later. With Sarah I felt really good after the surgery and got to enjoy holding her and watching her get passed around. It wasn't until I was up in my room that the vomiting set in and lasted for a couple of hours. Vomiting after c-section not high on my list of things to do, but I did do it again, which you will hear about in a few days with Adam's birthday. Well Sarah has been a blessing ever since. She is all girl, a total princess and goofy. I find her to be an absolute joy and I know her father does too. I thank God over and over that He blessed us with her. As a side note, for her birthday my mom took her shopping and I got to tag along. She tried on the entire store at Macy's and looked darn cute in everything. My mom got a call from my dad and I heard her tell him "she's just like her mom, if it fits, she loves it." It's true :)
Anyway here are a few pics from her special day. We had combined family party the next day for Sarah and Adam, but this is just from her girl party.
Here are the tea cookies I made. My mom had these cookie cutters with a tea pot, creamer, sugar and spoon.
Here is Sarah stressing over the bracelets we were trying to make.
Becca and Avery working so hard on them. By the end of the day all but one had broken, not the best part of the party.
Sam getting her makeup on for the photo shoot.
Don't want to mess up those freshly painted nails. I had even found really tiny nail stickers for the girls to put on, cute.
Erin did her hair in braids even with a broken finger.
Becca gave Sarah a BFF bracelet as one of her gifts. As I was getting into the car after she had opened it I saw them holding the bracelets together, touching the heart charms. They were saying "friends since the beginning, friends forever, best friends." It was a little odd actually, and they both did it like it was totally normal.
The pretty birthday girl.
The photo shoot. Emily knew I was looking for matching dresses and found a couple at Ross at Keizer Station. I called around and got enough for all the girls and they came with matching purses. I think I spent $4.50 - $6.00 for each dress. Such a deal.
Kyle was pretty sure Avery was flirting with him. I was pretty sure he was making it up until I looked thru the pictures. There are several where he caught her giving him this little flirty look. Too funny.
The photo shoot helpers. Thanks girls!
Sarah was floating for two days. She loved her special day!
I love this one, they are just being goofy little girls. I think this picture sums up who they are.
Kari did an awesome job with the pictures. She will make them pretty with photoshop later, but for now here is my editing job.
The tea party decor.
Heading home after a fun time. I think this ended up being one of the cutest pictures. It was a great day and I can't believe she is growing up so dang fast. Love that girl!