Some of our summer fun is that our two older kiddos have been taking swimming lessons. I tell you - I never thought I would enjoy watching two kids in the pool so much. It has me thinking I might actually like watching anything they do, even the dreaded baseball. Today was their last swim class and tomorrow is family swim. We were very excited to see that both kids have moved up a level. Sarah went from level one to level two in about three days, yeah for her. Alex, however, is the biggest excitement. He needed to be able to float on his back and the poor kid didn't seem to have enough fat on his bones to make it happen. Kyle even took him to open swim and worked on it for several hours, sadly he couldn't do it. What was really odd was that his body could hold the line, but he was submerged just under the surface. Finally though, on Tuesday he managed to make that big step. We were very excited, as was he, to see him ring that bell and have the life gaurd announce his graduation out of level two. He smiled from ear to ear through the rest of his lesson and hasn't really stopped since. Good Job Alex, I love you!